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at the heart
of our DNA

The Jump team works perfectly to meet the needs of last mile delivery with a flexible solution in SaaS mode, ergonomic, and taking into account all possible constraints. The solutions developed are solid instruments for our transformation and have enabled us to anchor ourselves in a dynamic and sustainable development model"

Adrian Staszyk - Product Owner


does this sound familiar?

TruckFIllingHelp, is a software that has been developed by our internal team to optimize the filling rate of our trucks 

How is it going ?

During delivery reservations, our algorithm calculates the volume of products to be delivered, then gives priority to available Jumpers with a fill rate of less than 90%, which massively reduces empty runs and the rate of Co2

To be efficient with prosperous working conditions while preserving the environment. These are all reasons that make this tool a real power!

With our technology, we want to contribute to the establishment of more sustainable and environmentally friendly logistics. While maintaining a fluid, optimal and super satisfactory service. 

Delivery in 120min is good, with 100% loading rate, it's better 

Eco Pack
Make sense of travel

In a context where JUMP is committed to developing more virtuous actions for the environment while offering deliveries in 120min,
it was obvious for us to find effective solutions to limit our carbon footprint while increasing our performance.

Our technical team has designed a course optimization software called Ecopack “ecology package” with a simple idea that consists of combining intelligent deliveries on all the current routes of our Jumpers in order to reduce the environmental impact.

How is it going ?

Our algorithm searches in priority from the pick-up point, all the jumpers being delivered and then analyzes their positions, their loading rates, their routes to the final delivery point and the travel time. By calculating all this data, our algorithm attributes the deliveries exclusively on the road of all these Jumpers without ever exceeding the expected arrival time.


When a Jumper accepts the race, the algorithm adds the delivery in an optimal way on the course of all the other deliveries in progress without ever making it deviate from its route! 


We wanted to give meaning to each of our trips, by combining deliveries and reducing our journeys.


JUMP, customers, and the planet win, isn't that nice?


- 80,000km/year

Live Tracking
Hang on ? it was before that!

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"I'm not going to wait all day to receive my package, I have a life you know"  one of the most common customer frustrations. 

Indeed, for your customers, knowing at any time where their package is allows them to be reassured. Especially since consumers are looking for visibility and de transparency. The moment of delivery being a crucial step, these two elements are key in building the relationship of trust between your company and your customers. 

Thanks to the great transparency of the Livetracking software specially developed by Jump, your customers can simply and independently check the status and exact location of their Jumpers,
to the street where they are, whenever they want. 


A text message is sent to customers indicating the departure of their Jumpers with a precise arrival time calculated by our algorithm between the pick-up point and the customer's final address. This sms also contains a LiveTracking link which allows the customer to see their Jumpers en route on a map in an ultra-precise way on a small bicycle or small truck, right down to the street where they are.

This LiveTracking link does not requireno identifieror any order number encoding, a simple click and the page opens! 

This gesture, however simple, says a lot about the professionalism of your company and gives elements of reassurance. An informed customer is a satisfied customer.

We are not expecting a Jumper,
we join him!

Only for customers?

Although we often think directly of the multiple advantages that this real-time monitoring offers on the client side, this one also has some for you. 

Indeed, reassured by the information provided by parcel tracking, your customers are much less inclined to contact the support team by phone, chat or e-mail. This way, your team is less likely to be overwhelmed by customer questions and complaints.


For you too, as a company, tracking represents a significant gain. All the latest logistics technologies put in place allow us today to achieve a 98% rate of successful delivery on the first pass with so many smiles!

A Tech team dedicated to
performance and durability

It is important for a development team to first understand the company's values in order to align their developments with the expected objectives


The company's values define its identity and goals. So it makes sense for developers to align with these values to ensure that their developments reinforce the company's mission and vision.

At JUMP, our values are clear: efficient delivery, speed, and sustainability. And our developers are totally aligned with these values! They have embraced this corporate culture and put their talents to work for it.


For example, the team designed a route optimization software called Ecopack, which combines deliveries in a smart way to reduce environmental impact. This demonstrates how the development team is dedicated to supporting JUMP's sustainability value.


In addition to supporting JUMP's core values, the development team has also embraced JUMP's corporate culture. This means that the developers are dedicated to designing solutions that are fast, reliable and sustainable. This shows their commitment to the company's values and their desire to ensure that the solutions they develop are aligned with the company's expectations.


Learn more about our corporate culture?


JUMP CONNECT DEV technologie

he is the real boss!

At Jump, the truth comes out of the mouths of...KPI's!


 Logistics KPIs are key indicators for measuring the evolution of our processes and carrying out continuous improvement actions. This series of data, ratios and percentages constitute a solid basis on which to base our decision-making in the search for logistics excellence.


The objective expected by the use of KPIs is to improve productivity, optimize costs, while increasing the quality of service.



The intelligence
For your deliveries

Our primary strength is the Artificial Intelligence we have developed to improve our delivery process.

AI allows our deliveries to be more fluid, optimal and accurate. It minimizes errors and adapts in real time to different constraints to ensure sustainable performance.

Intelligent allocation of runs

Jump's second strength is its intelligent job assignment system. This system uses artificial intelligence to optimally assign delivery jobs based on the capacity and availability of delivery drivers, as well as time and distance constraints.


With this advanced algorithm, Jump can ensure fast and efficient deliveries, while maximizing resource utilization and minimizing costs.

of volumes

Jump's third area of strength is intelligent volume anticipation. This capability allows our company to forecast demand fluctuations in real time, using AI algorithms to analyze sales data and market trends. This means we can adjust our planning accordingly, ensuring optimal courier availability for our customers, as well as efficient use of resources to minimize costs and maximize profits. Ultimately, intelligent volume anticipation reinforces our commitment to sustainability by maximizing the rate of volume used and minimizing empty trips.

A technology at the service of speed

Jump's fourth strength is our powerful technology, which allows us to guarantee extremely short delivery times. We have developed AI algorithms to optimize delivery routes, using real-time traffic data.


Additionally, we have partnered with top local couriers to ensure extensive coverage of our delivery service.


Ultimately, our state-of-the-art technology and robust delivery network means our customers can rely on us to deliver their packages in less than 2 hours without compromising quality of service.

A technology at the service of sustainability

We invest in developing our technologies to be faster, more efficient, and also more environmentally friendly. We aim to reconcile efficiency and sustainability by using advanced technologies.


For example, a truck that is 20% full could be 80% full with advanced technology. Well, that's what we have in place.

We want to ensure a balance between performance and environmental friendliness on every trip.

The R&D
for predictive logistics


Jump's R&D investment is based on the use of agile methods to accelerate the testing and implementation of the algorithms we develop in order to build and test mathematical models that optimize the last mile.


A dedicated tech team to put
all the chances on your side

Jump is more than just a reliable, in-house operated technology platform. It is also a dedicated team that supports you in the total revolution of your processes and the customer experience related to delivery. Entrust us with your new customer journey project and your digital transition. Let's discuss your needs, constraints and priorities together.

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