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with Jump

We deploy logistics for a sustainable world. On a daily basis, our teams put their skills at the service
of the emergence of a more virtuous society.

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efficiency et sustainability

Crossing a park during a delivery saves an average of 3km, why not give preference to bikes on certain routes? This is the question we asked ourselves in 2019.

Our algorithm embeds a Routing that calculates our map data while guiding vehicles according to their characteristics, detecting for example that a bike can cross a park, but not a van. This considerably reduces unnecessary kilometers without losing delivery speed.


A sustainable transition
concrete and gentle

While we love our Jumpeurs, we're not big fans of big diesel engines!


After raising awareness among our Jumpeurs about their responsibility towards sustainable development, we're now taking concrete action. To this end, we've implemented a strategy to encourage the transition to zero-emission vehicles wherever possible. Specifically, we're working closely with various electric vehicle and bicycle suppliers to expedite the transition of our delivery partners to low-emission leased E-vehicles.


At Jump, we're committed to promoting sustainable, zero-emission mobility by financially contributing to the acquisition of electric vehicle fleets. We ensure that our delivery partners are equipped with the cleanest vehicles possible to provide reliable and environmentally friendly service.


We've also implemented a reward system for sustainable deliveries to motivate those who are hesitant and to encourage more responsible, intelligent, and inclusive urban logistics.

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Jump is the delivery solution that offers one of the largest networks of soft mobility urban couriers, serving local logistics.


Our ecological values and ambitions aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encourage sustainable mobility and protect biodiversity.


The human being is
the most neutral that exists.

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At JUMP, we welcome anyone who wants to improve the environment while earning a living, even if they don't have a vehicle.


We often tell our prospective Jumpers that they have the most eco-friendly mode of transportation at their disposal: their own two feet!


Millions of people use public transportation every day, so why not "co-walk" parcels at the same time? Foot delivery is an efficient and eco-friendly solution for congested cities. In addition to being environmentally friendly, foot delivery is also faster and more reliable. Pedestrians can bypass traffic jams and access hard-to-reach areas that trucks can't, delivering packages more quickly.


Discover the benefits of working with JUMP for your efficient and eco-friendly deliveries. Take a step towards a greener future by embracing foot delivery!

Our ambitions,

We are working hard to achieve a future where "zero emissions" is the norm when it comes to deliveries.

We test hundreds of electric vehicle models and encourage electrification. Our current fleet is made up of low-emission vehicles, but we are aiming higher with our goal of increasing our zero-emission vehicles by 30% across our entire fleet by 2025, and operating as a 100% carbon neutral company by 2030.

We have also taken practical measures such as the optimization of routes, the filling rate of vehicles, the pooling of parcels are implemented in order to reduce fuel consumption and harmful emissions to a minimum.

Our mission is therefore a more responsible, intelligent and inclusive urban logistics that allows us to develop while reducing the harmful impacts on our planet.


Algorithm-driven deliveries

Let's take a look at our TFH software as an example. Our team developed this software to optimize the fill rate of our trucks.


When a delivery is scheduled, our algorithm calculates the volume of products to be delivered and prioritizes them for available couriers with a fill rate of less than 90%. This approach allows us to significantly reduce the number of empty trips and, as a result, the amount of CO2 emitted.



Interested in learning more about our innovative technologies?

Our goal is to replace all car journeys under
4 km by a 100% carbon-free means of transport.


We did not have to adapt to take into account climate and societal challenges, because our ecological values and ambitions have been anchored in our DNA since the development of our entrepreneurial ambitions. Our performances and objectives are punctuated by biodiversity and sustainable mobility.

Samir. O - CEO & Founder

Successful deliveries from the first trip,

eliminating operational inefficiencies and reducing unnecessary CO2 emissions.


Our ambition:
a model of sustainability by investing in people and respect for the environment.


At Jump, a 2-hour “eco-driving” and “eco-citizen” module was built internally, in order to reduce fuel consumption and empty journeys and insisting on prevention and road safety.

Eco-driving must be part of a global approach of actions to be implemented to reduce the ecological impact of transport activity.

The increase in vehicle loading coefficients or the adaptation of equipment to the conditions of use are inseparable to obtain the expected level of performance 

a logistics practice
in line with our values




E-vehicle awareness program.
Partnerships and leasing program


Etablishing of tracking systems to assess sustainability performance.

+ 30% zero-emission vehicle for our entire network

To prioritize the new Jumpers with zero-emission vehicles


Establishment of a system of certification for companies environmentally friendly delivery

Etablishing of 
partnership programs engages with environmental organizations to promote sustainability


Jump operates as a business 100% carbon neutral 


Are you a company or an association with the desire to make the world more sustainable? 

At Jump, we believe that collaboration is the cornerstone of achieving our goals. It is by working together that we can truly make a difference when it comes to sustainability. Are you ready to join forces with us?

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